Almost a year and a half later - here I am with an update.
Things have been wonderful with Matthew.. he has grown into the most beautiful baby boy and he is certainly everything we expected and more. It has been such a pleasure to watch him grow and to be his Mommy. He is walking and talking, and has even pee'd in the potty a few times!! I can NOT believe how fast life is going now that he's here... it really is true, time flies when you are having fun.
I will start with the positive updates. Aside from Matthew being perfect and smart and adorable! I have started my Masters! I am really enjoying it, I go with a great group of girls, and it has been so much fun to socialize with others who share my second biggest passion in life (first, of course, being a Mommy!) I have even subbed a few days last schoolyear and have enjoyed it, although ultimately I want to bed at home. Financially, I will have to work, at least part time for this upcoming school year. It is such a blessing though, to know that I have my parents (and BJ's, if need be) to watch Matthew, so I know he is in good hands.
Now, to the not so good stuff: Unfortunately, there has been a bit of this.
We have had a few heartaches in the past year and a half. BJ lost his uncle, who was very near and dear to him.... Tommy was such a huge influence on BJ, he was a wonderful person and I am honored to have known him. He had a long battle with cancer, and is finally at rest. Still, we miss him every day, as I know his family does. I know BJ would have loved for Matthew to know his uncle Tommy! Shortly after Tommy's passing, BJ lost his grandmother, very suddenly. It was heartbreaking. The O'Brien's had a tough couple of months.
This year hasn't proven to be much better -- My grandmother passed away, at the age of 96. She certainly lived a long life, and lived it to the fullest, but it doens't take away the sadness that she is gone. BJ also lost a dear friend in Afghanistan, within days of my grandmothers passing. It was a rough June, that's for sure.
Unfortunately, nothing topped our loss in March. We were expecting #2, our second son. He was diagnosed with CDH - Congenital Diaphramatic Hernia. We were given the decision to end the pregnancy (at 23 weeks), but ultimately chose not too. Knowing we couldn't make the decision ourselves, God took our beloved baby boy in his arms on March 31st, 2010. I delivered him, one day short of 24 weeks. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but his passing was peaceful, which is certainly a blessing. He never knew anything but the comfort of my belly. I still miss the slight movements, daily, and pregnancy will never be the same for me, as I think i will always have that fear.
So now, we are beginning the stages of TTC again. I really want to give Matthew a sibling, and I want another little one so badly. I Love nothing more than being a Mommy. It is so much more than I ever thought it would be. And BJ is a better Dad than I could have ever imagined.
Right now we aren't too worried about TTC, I don't want to stress over it, because I don't want to think about the possibilities of something going wrong. But if it happens, we will be delighted.
So that's our update. Hopefully only positive posts from here on out.. and I will try to keep things updated more often than once a year... Life is pretty hectic with a toddler though.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Monday, March 9, 2009
5 Months Old
Well, I win the award for "the worst updater - EVER"
Matthew is now 5 months old!! He is growing like a weed! It's amazing how fast time has flown.
I am now back to work - it was much harder than I anticipated, but BJ is amazing with Matthew and is doing a great job as a Stay at Home Daddy!! Matthew is a lucky little boy to have such a fantastic role model as a father!
He is so much fun now! We just love him to pieces... He is laughing, playing, grabbing things, rolling (although more often than not it's when we're not looking) and jumping up a storm in his jolly jumper!
He has had his first Christmas, and he sat in his bumbo chair surrounded by all his presents. We went overboard, even though we swore we wouldn't! It was just so much fun to have a little baby at Xmas! Next year will be even better, I'm sure!
We have spent a lot of time in CApe Breton. I miss my parents terribly since Matthew was born. It would be so nicce to have them around... There is seriously nothing better than seeing my parents with my son. It just totally gives me "warm fuzzies" everytime I see it! Our parents, of course, are loving him right back! He is one spoiled little boy!
Matthew's new love is Dexter. He is SO GOOD With the baby... He just loves Matthew right back, and poor Dexter is being poked and pulled and he just licks him.... We are very lucky!
Anyway, here is a progress photo.... I will be better about updating this site with more up to date pictures and information!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Almost 6 weeks PP
Well, tomorrow, Matthew will be 6 weeks old!
I can't believe how fast time has flown.... He is such a perfect baby and we really are enjoying every single second with him!
I had my check up today- I am all healed and ready to go! I lost all of my pregnancy weight and I am now allowed to "act as if I did before I was pregnant".. well, with the exception of my diet and no drinking - due to the nursing.. or, Pumping.
Matthew is growing like a weed. I will post some pictures soon. He made it through our first trip to Cape Breton to visit his grandparents and great-grandparents... he was excellent in the car, and we really enjoyed being home with him... we also got a couple of professional pictures taken... We are going to get some more when he is smiling on demand... but I will post them when I have them.
OH.. and most importantly - MATTHEW SMILED TODAY! I real, full, happy smile! It was just so perfect, I wish I could take that moment that he smiled at me and relive it over and over!!
Anyway, he is sleeping, and is continuing to get up once during the night - and since BJ is back to work - I am on baby duty at night (for the most part)... so off to bed I go.
I can't believe how fast time has flown.... He is such a perfect baby and we really are enjoying every single second with him!
I had my check up today- I am all healed and ready to go! I lost all of my pregnancy weight and I am now allowed to "act as if I did before I was pregnant".. well, with the exception of my diet and no drinking - due to the nursing.. or, Pumping.
Matthew is growing like a weed. I will post some pictures soon. He made it through our first trip to Cape Breton to visit his grandparents and great-grandparents... he was excellent in the car, and we really enjoyed being home with him... we also got a couple of professional pictures taken... We are going to get some more when he is smiling on demand... but I will post them when I have them.
OH.. and most importantly - MATTHEW SMILED TODAY! I real, full, happy smile! It was just so perfect, I wish I could take that moment that he smiled at me and relive it over and over!!
Anyway, he is sleeping, and is continuing to get up once during the night - and since BJ is back to work - I am on baby duty at night (for the most part)... so off to bed I go.
Monday, October 13, 2008
More Pictures....
Happy Thanksgiving...
Yesterday we celebrated our first holiday as a family!
Matthew couldn't have any turkey, but he had his meal at the table with us as well...
Nanny and Poppy O'Brien were visiting too!!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matthew having his Thanksgiving Dinner..... 
Sunday, October 12, 2008
It's a BOY!!!
Matthew Lorne O'Brien was born on October 2nd, 2008 at 4:33am.
The birth didn't go as I had planned. I had an infection in my amniotic fluid, and so my fever spiked, and so did Matthew's heartrate. We had to make the decision to have a c-section - which wasn't what we planned, but all that matters is that he is here, happy and healthy.
BJ and I are just loving every moment of being parents. He is such an easy baby so far... his sleeping patterns are really not that bad for a newborn - and he just loves to be snuggled and held - and we do lots and lots of snuggling.
Here are a few pictures....
Getting ready for the C-Section...
Here's HERE!!! Matthew Lorne O'Brien
Born 4:33am
8 pounds, 11 ounces

The birth didn't go as I had planned. I had an infection in my amniotic fluid, and so my fever spiked, and so did Matthew's heartrate. We had to make the decision to have a c-section - which wasn't what we planned, but all that matters is that he is here, happy and healthy.
BJ and I are just loving every moment of being parents. He is such an easy baby so far... his sleeping patterns are really not that bad for a newborn - and he just loves to be snuggled and held - and we do lots and lots of snuggling.
Here are a few pictures....
Getting ready for the C-Section...
Born 4:33am
8 pounds, 11 ounces
Our precious baby boy.....
Such a proud Mommy...
I think Daddy is in love....
Matthew finally meets Gramps... Poor Gramps waited ALL night to meet him...
Matthew is already being spoiled by Nanny Penny's singing.... and he loves it!
Matthew all ready to go home....On his way home!!!
When I was just one week old, Nanny and Poppy O'Brien came to visit me...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Back from the doctors...
Well, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!
I am now almost 2cm's dialated - and 30% effaced.. which isn't much, but it's progress.
This pregnancy I have gained 34 pounds... she wanted me to gain between 25-35 - so i really stretched it to my limit! LOL..
She did say that she will NOT be delivering my baby - which is a good thing (she is now gone until Oct 8th).. and that the latest day she wants me to go is the 7th. .. which is next Tuesday (and Nanny O'Brien (Martha's) birthday)!!!
So this baby will be here by Thanksgiving... AND she is giving me lots of time to go on my own.. which is great news!!
Today is Ben's birthday - so we are headed over for cake and ice cream!! :)
She is sending out the paperwork for the induction clinic.
I will update when I hear from the induction clinic (or if I go on my own before that)
I am now almost 2cm's dialated - and 30% effaced.. which isn't much, but it's progress.
This pregnancy I have gained 34 pounds... she wanted me to gain between 25-35 - so i really stretched it to my limit! LOL..
She did say that she will NOT be delivering my baby - which is a good thing (she is now gone until Oct 8th).. and that the latest day she wants me to go is the 7th. .. which is next Tuesday (and Nanny O'Brien (Martha's) birthday)!!!
So this baby will be here by Thanksgiving... AND she is giving me lots of time to go on my own.. which is great news!!
Today is Ben's birthday - so we are headed over for cake and ice cream!! :)
She is sending out the paperwork for the induction clinic.
I will update when I hear from the induction clinic (or if I go on my own before that)
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