Well, tomorrow, Matthew will be 6 weeks old!
I can't believe how fast time has flown.... He is such a perfect baby and we really are enjoying every single second with him!
I had my check up today- I am all healed and ready to go! I lost all of my pregnancy weight and I am now allowed to "act as if I did before I was pregnant".. well, with the exception of my diet and no drinking - due to the nursing.. or, Pumping.
Matthew is growing like a weed. I will post some pictures soon. He made it through our first trip to Cape Breton to visit his grandparents and great-grandparents... he was excellent in the car, and we really enjoyed being home with him... we also got a couple of professional pictures taken... We are going to get some more when he is smiling on demand... but I will post them when I have them.
OH.. and most importantly - MATTHEW SMILED TODAY! I real, full, happy smile! It was just so perfect, I wish I could take that moment that he smiled at me and relive it over and over!!
Anyway, he is sleeping, and is continuing to get up once during the night - and since BJ is back to work - I am on baby duty at night (for the most part)... so off to bed I go.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
More Pictures....
Happy Thanksgiving...
Yesterday we celebrated our first holiday as a family!
Matthew couldn't have any turkey, but he had his meal at the table with us as well...
Nanny and Poppy O'Brien were visiting too!!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matthew having his Thanksgiving Dinner..... 
Sunday, October 12, 2008
It's a BOY!!!
Matthew Lorne O'Brien was born on October 2nd, 2008 at 4:33am.
The birth didn't go as I had planned. I had an infection in my amniotic fluid, and so my fever spiked, and so did Matthew's heartrate. We had to make the decision to have a c-section - which wasn't what we planned, but all that matters is that he is here, happy and healthy.
BJ and I are just loving every moment of being parents. He is such an easy baby so far... his sleeping patterns are really not that bad for a newborn - and he just loves to be snuggled and held - and we do lots and lots of snuggling.
Here are a few pictures....
Getting ready for the C-Section...
Here's HERE!!! Matthew Lorne O'Brien
Born 4:33am
8 pounds, 11 ounces

The birth didn't go as I had planned. I had an infection in my amniotic fluid, and so my fever spiked, and so did Matthew's heartrate. We had to make the decision to have a c-section - which wasn't what we planned, but all that matters is that he is here, happy and healthy.
BJ and I are just loving every moment of being parents. He is such an easy baby so far... his sleeping patterns are really not that bad for a newborn - and he just loves to be snuggled and held - and we do lots and lots of snuggling.
Here are a few pictures....
Getting ready for the C-Section...
Born 4:33am
8 pounds, 11 ounces
Our precious baby boy.....
Such a proud Mommy...
I think Daddy is in love....
Matthew finally meets Gramps... Poor Gramps waited ALL night to meet him...
Matthew is already being spoiled by Nanny Penny's singing.... and he loves it!
Matthew all ready to go home....On his way home!!!
When I was just one week old, Nanny and Poppy O'Brien came to visit me...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Back from the doctors...
Well, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!
I am now almost 2cm's dialated - and 30% effaced.. which isn't much, but it's progress.
This pregnancy I have gained 34 pounds... she wanted me to gain between 25-35 - so i really stretched it to my limit! LOL..
She did say that she will NOT be delivering my baby - which is a good thing (she is now gone until Oct 8th).. and that the latest day she wants me to go is the 7th. .. which is next Tuesday (and Nanny O'Brien (Martha's) birthday)!!!
So this baby will be here by Thanksgiving... AND she is giving me lots of time to go on my own.. which is great news!!
Today is Ben's birthday - so we are headed over for cake and ice cream!! :)
She is sending out the paperwork for the induction clinic.
I will update when I hear from the induction clinic (or if I go on my own before that)
I am now almost 2cm's dialated - and 30% effaced.. which isn't much, but it's progress.
This pregnancy I have gained 34 pounds... she wanted me to gain between 25-35 - so i really stretched it to my limit! LOL..
She did say that she will NOT be delivering my baby - which is a good thing (she is now gone until Oct 8th).. and that the latest day she wants me to go is the 7th. .. which is next Tuesday (and Nanny O'Brien (Martha's) birthday)!!!
So this baby will be here by Thanksgiving... AND she is giving me lots of time to go on my own.. which is great news!!
Today is Ben's birthday - so we are headed over for cake and ice cream!! :)
She is sending out the paperwork for the induction clinic.
I will update when I hear from the induction clinic (or if I go on my own before that)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Still no baby..
Well, I am now officially 3 days overdue...
Still no baby....
Here is my latest belly picture...

Hopefully I will have a more exciting update soon!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Due Date
Well, today is my due date! It'll be interesting to see if I have this baby closer to today or my first due date before it was changed (which was the 30th).
I am just hoping to have this baby this week!! I was bored last night and did a comparative picture of my belly, and it appears to be dropping:

Plus, today I have been feeling more pressure, so hopefully that's a sign something is happening.. we'll see soon enough!
I am still feeling "OK" about labor. I have to admit, as time gets closer I am feeing a little more nervous about it - but I know that I will be ok... I just need to get it over with soon!! haha..
Elton John is in town tonight (I, of course, am not going).... so Halifax will be booming this evening... good day to fight the traffic to get into the hospital? haha..
Hopefully next update will be to announce the birth of our son/daughter... However... it might be tuesday after the appointment! hehe...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Back from the Doctors
Well, I am back from my doctors appointment. My doctor took me off work.... so off i go
I have to admit that I am a little sad to be leaving work, but happy that it means our baby will be here soon!! I am going to go into work tomorrow for the day though - just to say goodbye to the kids and get some stuff finalized with my replacement.
My appointment was "Ok". There was some bad news - My doctor is going away. There was a family emergency and she will be away from Oct 1-8th... so she probably won't be delivering the baby :( ... I am actually "OK" with it- becuase I know that the doctors really only come for the actual delivery... but it would have been nice to have her.
Anyway, there is still a chance I could go before or after she leaves... so whatever happens, happens. She did say that if it gets to the point where I need to be induced, I can request that it be when she comes back on the 8th or 9th.. but I don't think I am interested in that! LOL..
My doctor did agree not to put me in for induction until I am 41 weeks though... that is the longest she is allowed to wait... becaues I really want to give my body time to go on its own.. I am a little afriad of pitocin.. so that makes me happy.... I will go in to the induction clinic (or be refered to it) on the 4th of October. From there it can take a little while... they assess you and depending on how your cervix is and if you are dialated - then they determine when you will be induced.
As of right now, I am not dialated... well like 1/2 a cm.. nothing to get excited about. My cervix is still long, and firm... it needs to be short and soft... but she said sometimes the exam that she did today gets things moving... and anything can change overnight.. so she said there is still a chance I will have the baby before she leaves on the 1st... we'll see. I think she's wrong.
The way I look at it - it won't be long now regardless....as much as I am looking forward to being a Mommy.. I am going to enjoy mine and BJ's time together as a couple.. before we officially become a "family"... and I am going to be able to get LOTS of housecleaning done! :)
So that's my update...
I have to admit that I am a little sad to be leaving work, but happy that it means our baby will be here soon!! I am going to go into work tomorrow for the day though - just to say goodbye to the kids and get some stuff finalized with my replacement.
My appointment was "Ok". There was some bad news - My doctor is going away. There was a family emergency and she will be away from Oct 1-8th... so she probably won't be delivering the baby :( ... I am actually "OK" with it- becuase I know that the doctors really only come for the actual delivery... but it would have been nice to have her.
Anyway, there is still a chance I could go before or after she leaves... so whatever happens, happens. She did say that if it gets to the point where I need to be induced, I can request that it be when she comes back on the 8th or 9th.. but I don't think I am interested in that! LOL..
My doctor did agree not to put me in for induction until I am 41 weeks though... that is the longest she is allowed to wait... becaues I really want to give my body time to go on its own.. I am a little afriad of pitocin.. so that makes me happy.... I will go in to the induction clinic (or be refered to it) on the 4th of October. From there it can take a little while... they assess you and depending on how your cervix is and if you are dialated - then they determine when you will be induced.
As of right now, I am not dialated... well like 1/2 a cm.. nothing to get excited about. My cervix is still long, and firm... it needs to be short and soft... but she said sometimes the exam that she did today gets things moving... and anything can change overnight.. so she said there is still a chance I will have the baby before she leaves on the 1st... we'll see. I think she's wrong.
The way I look at it - it won't be long now regardless....as much as I am looking forward to being a Mommy.. I am going to enjoy mine and BJ's time together as a couple.. before we officially become a "family"... and I am going to be able to get LOTS of housecleaning done! :)
So that's my update...
3 more days...
Well, three more days until the big due date!!
I can't believe that 39 weeks have passed. It could be any time now that we will be holding our beautiful son or daughter in our arms! It's amazing how much we love this baby right now - before it is even here.. I know it's going to be completely overwhelming when the day DOES arrive.
For now, I am enjoying every single baby kick, every movement, and knowing how much I will miss it when this baby is born! (However, I know it will be even better)
We have a doctors appointment today - I will update with what she says a little later.
I can't believe that 39 weeks have passed. It could be any time now that we will be holding our beautiful son or daughter in our arms! It's amazing how much we love this baby right now - before it is even here.. I know it's going to be completely overwhelming when the day DOES arrive.
For now, I am enjoying every single baby kick, every movement, and knowing how much I will miss it when this baby is born! (However, I know it will be even better)
We have a doctors appointment today - I will update with what she says a little later.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Single Digits...
Well, the countdown is officially ON!!
Single digits - we now only have 9 days to go until the due date.
Nothing much in terms of my body "getting ready". I am feeling a little bit a pressure but nothing major, and the odd pain, but nothing substantial or regular. We will see what the doctor says next Tuesday, but I am thinking that next Friday will be my last day of work...
Again - we'll see though.
We have a replacement for me all lined up for my maternity leave. She shadowed me today and she will be in for me tomorrow. ... So after tomorrow (I have some work to do to prepare for her) I will be all ready and prepared at work for me to give birth!! it will be such a relief to have things "ready" - or as ready as I can be!
I will update on Tuesday after my doctors appointment! :)
Single digits - we now only have 9 days to go until the due date.
Nothing much in terms of my body "getting ready". I am feeling a little bit a pressure but nothing major, and the odd pain, but nothing substantial or regular. We will see what the doctor says next Tuesday, but I am thinking that next Friday will be my last day of work...
Again - we'll see though.
We have a replacement for me all lined up for my maternity leave. She shadowed me today and she will be in for me tomorrow. ... So after tomorrow (I have some work to do to prepare for her) I will be all ready and prepared at work for me to give birth!! it will be such a relief to have things "ready" - or as ready as I can be!
I will update on Tuesday after my doctors appointment! :)
Friday, September 12, 2008
38 weeks...
Well, two more weeks until my due date !!!
Time is getting so close. I can't believe how fast it is going.
Well, I am still working, but had to take today off. Yesterday, I worked all day and stayed after school until almost 5:00 - getting ready for our ice cream social/meet the teacher. I had to be back at school at 5:45 - made it there on time, and then I had a parent meeting.
So, I worked from 7am - 8pm last night - and it was just too much. Today I went into work this morning, and I just had to get Mary Paula to call someoen in - She also made me promise that I would not attempt any more 5 day weeks - so I will be taking a day off a week for the next two weeks. by the end of the week I am just TOO tired.
Otherwise though, I am still feeling great! Today's "day of rest" really made a huge difference... and I am feeling more like myself. After this weekend we will be 100% ready for baby - carseats installed, hopefully some meals cooked and frozen, and even our car painted (we have a rust spot around the wheel that BJ is going to fix on the weekend with his uncle). So, as long as I don't go into labor at work - I am ready for baby to come at any point on Monday.
Next week, monday I have my doctors appointment - Tuesday we are interviewing people for my maternity leave position at work, and Wednesday I have a staff meeting.. so i think my "day off" next week will be Thursday. We'll see though.
And then the next week is a 4 day teaching week anyway - because we are having a staff meeting on Friday... so that'll be good.... then hopefully I will be finished... until baby is here.
Speaking of that - I have to call my maternity leave person to figure out some paperwork and some bits and pieces of my maternity leave. I should do it while I remember! :) I will update after my appointment on Monday.
Time is getting so close. I can't believe how fast it is going.
Well, I am still working, but had to take today off. Yesterday, I worked all day and stayed after school until almost 5:00 - getting ready for our ice cream social/meet the teacher. I had to be back at school at 5:45 - made it there on time, and then I had a parent meeting.
So, I worked from 7am - 8pm last night - and it was just too much. Today I went into work this morning, and I just had to get Mary Paula to call someoen in - She also made me promise that I would not attempt any more 5 day weeks - so I will be taking a day off a week for the next two weeks. by the end of the week I am just TOO tired.
Otherwise though, I am still feeling great! Today's "day of rest" really made a huge difference... and I am feeling more like myself. After this weekend we will be 100% ready for baby - carseats installed, hopefully some meals cooked and frozen, and even our car painted (we have a rust spot around the wheel that BJ is going to fix on the weekend with his uncle). So, as long as I don't go into labor at work - I am ready for baby to come at any point on Monday.
Next week, monday I have my doctors appointment - Tuesday we are interviewing people for my maternity leave position at work, and Wednesday I have a staff meeting.. so i think my "day off" next week will be Thursday. We'll see though.
And then the next week is a 4 day teaching week anyway - because we are having a staff meeting on Friday... so that'll be good.... then hopefully I will be finished... until baby is here.
Speaking of that - I have to call my maternity leave person to figure out some paperwork and some bits and pieces of my maternity leave. I should do it while I remember! :) I will update after my appointment on Monday.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Update from Appointment...
Well, today I had my doctors appointment. Everything is going well. I gained a little less than 1/2 a pound this week - so doctor is pleased with this... and so am I.
At the appointment - the doctor gave me all of my prenatal records to keep on me incase I have to go to the hospital... before my appointment NEXT WEEK! That is crazy to me - the fact that there is even a chance that I could go into labour before I see her again!!
I am measuring right on, baby's heartbeat was 136 again - which is good...
She went over my birth plan with me - Just BJ in the room, he will cut the cord, and I am allowed an epidural if I want one... She also asked me if I wanted my baby on my chest as soon as it was born.. and, of course, I said yes!! I want to meet/hold him/her as soon as I possibly can!
She said if baby was born today - it is considered full term, which i knew, but it was nice to hear her say that.. which means no NICU because he/she will be fully developed... She talked about what she would do in terms of inducing, and they all line with what I want.... I don't want to be induced unless it is necessary for baby.. I want him/her to come at his/her own time....
Anyway, that's about it. Next appointment is next Tuesday!
17 more days.... which means 33-35 days at the MOST and my baby will be here...
At the appointment - the doctor gave me all of my prenatal records to keep on me incase I have to go to the hospital... before my appointment NEXT WEEK! That is crazy to me - the fact that there is even a chance that I could go into labour before I see her again!!
I am measuring right on, baby's heartbeat was 136 again - which is good...
She went over my birth plan with me - Just BJ in the room, he will cut the cord, and I am allowed an epidural if I want one... She also asked me if I wanted my baby on my chest as soon as it was born.. and, of course, I said yes!! I want to meet/hold him/her as soon as I possibly can!
She said if baby was born today - it is considered full term, which i knew, but it was nice to hear her say that.. which means no NICU because he/she will be fully developed... She talked about what she would do in terms of inducing, and they all line with what I want.... I don't want to be induced unless it is necessary for baby.. I want him/her to come at his/her own time....
Anyway, that's about it. Next appointment is next Tuesday!
17 more days.... which means 33-35 days at the MOST and my baby will be here...
Saturday, September 6, 2008
37 weeks!!
Well, I am officially considered "full term" now.. however, for inducing purposes and doctor purposes, of course, full term is 40 weeks. But if baby was born now there is a small chance he/she would need NICU!! So that is quite the accomplishment.\
Meanwhile - I am getting huger by the day... (although I'm pretty sure huger isn't a word.. but it's the best adjective I can think of to describe myself). I am adding my 37 week picture.... warning: I am gigantic!
Meanwhile - I am getting huger by the day... (although I'm pretty sure huger isn't a word.. but it's the best adjective I can think of to describe myself). I am adding my 37 week picture.... warning: I am gigantic!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Dr's Appointment Update
Well I went to the doctors yesterday and everything was good. Baby is still in position and I only gained a pound in 2 weeks.. so doctor (and me too) was very pleased.
I was tested for Group B Strep - which is just a viral infection that some woman are are carrier of. If you are a carrier of it, you need to go on antibiotics after your water breaks and through labor so that it's not passed on to baby. I will have the results next week so hopefully I don't have it. I think an IV of antibiotics is the last thing I will want to have.
On another note - today was the first day of school for me. I am tired, but happy to be back into a routine. It is busy with two classrooms on the go, but busy isn't always bad. It'll just keep me organized. I am teaching a 3/4 split as well as a straight grade 4 this year - good kids, and great job share partners so I'm sure it will be an exciting year. I am going to work as long as I can.. and then go off for 17 weeks.
Well I am off to make some supper... I will update next week after my appointment. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't need any of those antibiotics!
I was tested for Group B Strep - which is just a viral infection that some woman are are carrier of. If you are a carrier of it, you need to go on antibiotics after your water breaks and through labor so that it's not passed on to baby. I will have the results next week so hopefully I don't have it. I think an IV of antibiotics is the last thing I will want to have.
On another note - today was the first day of school for me. I am tired, but happy to be back into a routine. It is busy with two classrooms on the go, but busy isn't always bad. It'll just keep me organized. I am teaching a 3/4 split as well as a straight grade 4 this year - good kids, and great job share partners so I'm sure it will be an exciting year. I am going to work as long as I can.. and then go off for 17 weeks.
Well I am off to make some supper... I will update next week after my appointment. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't need any of those antibiotics!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
36 weeks...
Well.. I almost made it to what is considered "full term". One more week to go.
I am at 36 weeks - and still going strong!! I am starting to feel a little more tired, some minor pressure and really fat! haha... But hopefully I haven't gained much. I have really been watching what I am eating since my doctors appointment - trying to keep my weight gain down... I went out to eat once with Jenestia and Chris - and I treated myself to a sandwich... and BJ and I went out for our anniversary dinner and I treated myself to chicken and mashed potatoes.. but otherwise my choices have been very "wise"... I am trying really hard to stay on track.. so as least if this appointment I have gained a substantial amount of weight - I will know that there is nothing else that I can do about it from this end.
Anyway, at the end of the day - I gain however much weight I gain - all I care about is a healthy baby in the end... I can always take weight off... but it is hard not to worry about it when my doctor is so strict about it... in the long run though, I think that's a good thing.
So, Mom and Dad are up visiting... Mom gave my bathtub a good cleaning - it really needed it as I can't bend over to clean it like I used to be able too.. and BJ has been cleaning it, thank goodness, but still - It needed a really good scrubbing... I am really looking forward to spending this weekend with them - it'll be the last time that we spend time together with "just us". However, I am sure that it will only get better when this little one arrives.
I have my doctors appointment on Tuesday, and my first day of school... I am going to try to work until the 26th - my due date... so I will see how that goes. If I start to progress sooner, of course I will stop - but I expect to go overdue. I will try to update Tuesday with everything that went on, but if I am too tired I might wait until Wednesday.
OH - nursery is completely finshed with rocking chair and all - I will try to remember to take a picture before tuesday.
I am at 36 weeks - and still going strong!! I am starting to feel a little more tired, some minor pressure and really fat! haha... But hopefully I haven't gained much. I have really been watching what I am eating since my doctors appointment - trying to keep my weight gain down... I went out to eat once with Jenestia and Chris - and I treated myself to a sandwich... and BJ and I went out for our anniversary dinner and I treated myself to chicken and mashed potatoes.. but otherwise my choices have been very "wise"... I am trying really hard to stay on track.. so as least if this appointment I have gained a substantial amount of weight - I will know that there is nothing else that I can do about it from this end.
Anyway, at the end of the day - I gain however much weight I gain - all I care about is a healthy baby in the end... I can always take weight off... but it is hard not to worry about it when my doctor is so strict about it... in the long run though, I think that's a good thing.
So, Mom and Dad are up visiting... Mom gave my bathtub a good cleaning - it really needed it as I can't bend over to clean it like I used to be able too.. and BJ has been cleaning it, thank goodness, but still - It needed a really good scrubbing... I am really looking forward to spending this weekend with them - it'll be the last time that we spend time together with "just us". However, I am sure that it will only get better when this little one arrives.
I have my doctors appointment on Tuesday, and my first day of school... I am going to try to work until the 26th - my due date... so I will see how that goes. If I start to progress sooner, of course I will stop - but I expect to go overdue. I will try to update Tuesday with everything that went on, but if I am too tired I might wait until Wednesday.
OH - nursery is completely finshed with rocking chair and all - I will try to remember to take a picture before tuesday.
Friday, August 22, 2008
35 Weeks
Well, today I am 35 weeks pregnant! That means only 5 more weeks to go! 2 more weeks until this baby is considered "full term". I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. I know I have said that a million times, but it is really true!
The baby is now about 5 pounds! That is a real baby!! I hope it doesn't get too much bigger though! LOL.. I still have to deliver this child at some point.
I am still pretty calm about the whole labour process - I assume it hasn't hit me yet! haha.. I hope it doesn't until its too late.. and I am in the middle of it.
I have the baby's bag all packed, and the hospital bag all ready to go. We have a "to do" list for the house that we are slowly getting gone before Baby O'Brien arrives, and we have a "to buy for baby" list that is getting there... of course, after the generosity of my shower, there isn't too much on the list.. but still a couple of little things.
We are pretty set on our baby names now. But we are going to wait until he/she is born to decide 100%. Only 5 weeks to wait now! :)
The baby is now about 5 pounds! That is a real baby!! I hope it doesn't get too much bigger though! LOL.. I still have to deliver this child at some point.
I am still pretty calm about the whole labour process - I assume it hasn't hit me yet! haha.. I hope it doesn't until its too late.. and I am in the middle of it.
I have the baby's bag all packed, and the hospital bag all ready to go. We have a "to do" list for the house that we are slowly getting gone before Baby O'Brien arrives, and we have a "to buy for baby" list that is getting there... of course, after the generosity of my shower, there isn't too much on the list.. but still a couple of little things.
We are pretty set on our baby names now. But we are going to wait until he/she is born to decide 100%. Only 5 weeks to wait now! :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Our Puppy..
I had to share these pictures of Dexter..
We had left to run some errands in the day - and Dexter was quite happy to see us...
BJ was just relaxing before he was going to get ready to go out for dinner for our anniversary.... So Dexter joined him...
This is what happened when I said "Ok BJ, lets go get ready"
And they say Dogs don't understand what we are saying....
I just had to share- that was too cute!
Our Anniversary!
Well, yesterday was our second Wedding Anniversary! It is hard to believe that two years have gone by already! A lot has changed, but of course, all for the better! Next year we will be celebrating our anniversary, and almost have a 1 year old - now THAT is crazy!
We had went out the weekend prior and bought a new computer (laptop)- so that was our "gift" to each other... but we still took time to go to dinner and a movie. We had a nice, relaxing night (which doesn't come often around here lately).
So, everything went pretty well at my doctors appointment. The baby is growing well, and the heartbeat was 132 - a little lower than it usually is, but it is certainly still in the healthy range... no reason for concern at all. I DID gain almost 5 pounds in two weeks (oopsie!). I had to admit to the doctor that I have been lately going "off course" - I was so conscience of what I was eating before, and I sort of lost that lately... since this is the only time that my weight has jumped at any appointment, she let me off with it! LOL.. but we are aiming for 2 pounds or under for next appointment - I don't want to be losing too much after the baby is born. That brings my total weight gain to almost 30 pounds!!! Which is a lot, in my opinion... My doctor said ideally I would be between 25-35... so yeah, 5 more pounds doesn't give me much room to move! LOL.. it's probably going to be over that... but as long as baby is healthy... and like I said, I will be doing what I can from now on to keep the weight gain down.
I go for one more two week appointment - Sept 2nd - they check for Group B Strep. (A test everyone has). If I test positive for that, it just means that i need antibiotics after my water breaks... If I test negative - then no antibiotics! It was so sad making my two week appointment, because I have WORK on that day.... so I had to make it for the evening... :( Summer Vacation is almost over.
Anyway, after Sept 2nd, I start going weekly! I can't believe it's so close.. so that means 5-6 more doctors appointments and Baby O'Brien will be HERE!!
I have a new belly picture - I wil update on the side.
We had went out the weekend prior and bought a new computer (laptop)- so that was our "gift" to each other... but we still took time to go to dinner and a movie. We had a nice, relaxing night (which doesn't come often around here lately).
So, everything went pretty well at my doctors appointment. The baby is growing well, and the heartbeat was 132 - a little lower than it usually is, but it is certainly still in the healthy range... no reason for concern at all. I DID gain almost 5 pounds in two weeks (oopsie!). I had to admit to the doctor that I have been lately going "off course" - I was so conscience of what I was eating before, and I sort of lost that lately... since this is the only time that my weight has jumped at any appointment, she let me off with it! LOL.. but we are aiming for 2 pounds or under for next appointment - I don't want to be losing too much after the baby is born. That brings my total weight gain to almost 30 pounds!!! Which is a lot, in my opinion... My doctor said ideally I would be between 25-35... so yeah, 5 more pounds doesn't give me much room to move! LOL.. it's probably going to be over that... but as long as baby is healthy... and like I said, I will be doing what I can from now on to keep the weight gain down.
I go for one more two week appointment - Sept 2nd - they check for Group B Strep. (A test everyone has). If I test positive for that, it just means that i need antibiotics after my water breaks... If I test negative - then no antibiotics! It was so sad making my two week appointment, because I have WORK on that day.... so I had to make it for the evening... :( Summer Vacation is almost over.
Anyway, after Sept 2nd, I start going weekly! I can't believe it's so close.. so that means 5-6 more doctors appointments and Baby O'Brien will be HERE!!
I have a new belly picture - I wil update on the side.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Well, not too much has been happening, but I thought that I should probably do a quick update since time is getting closer, and it has been a while since I posted anything.
Went to my last doctors appointnment, and everything is going well. Baby is into position (head down) but not engaged yet, meaning he/she hasn't dropped. (Thank Goodness.. once the baby drops you are very uncomfortable, and I don't want to be that uncomfortable for a whole month!). She is very pleased with my progress... I gained 1/2 a pound in two weeks.. so I hope that weight gain stays consistent.. that brings me to with 20 and a half pounds, or 25 and a half pounds.. we aren't sure about my pre-pregnancy weight.. she has a 5 pound difference on both of her papers.. so anyway, between 20-25 pounds... If I made it under 30 I would be SO excited, but with 6.5 weeks left to go, I doubt it.
BJ and I have almost entirely finished the nursery.. we added some finishing touches since last time, and will post a "completed" photo once the last item arrives.. can't wait to put baby in there! :)
We are trying to make the absolute best of these next 6.5 weeks together... after the baby comes, there will be no more - going to the movies on a whim, or getting groceries at 11pm - for a while anyway.... But we know that life will be even better.
This weekend is Bradley and Melissa's wedding... can't wait to go! I will be doing the wedding cake (at 8 months pregnant - so it'll be interesting!! LOL)...on Friday night, we will go to the wedding on Saturday and on Sunday we are painting our bedroom.. so it's going to be a busy weekend.. but we are trying to get these things done now.. as opposed to later.
My next doctors appointment is the 19th - our anniversary! :)
I will update after that.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Nursery Photos
Well, we finished the nursery last night at midnight!! We are very pleased with the final product.. Now, we are just waiting for Baby to arrive :)
Here are some pictures of the progress:
The room is all empty and ready to start painting (But, we forgot to take down the curtains)....
A (really bad) picture of me painting the walls.... you can't really see the green here, but the yellow that it "was" is a little easier to see:
This is the disaster that was the spare room during painting/renovating...
Poor child, doesn't have anything at all! hehe...
Colour is up!!!
Other angle.... the color is a cross between how bright it looks in the first picture, and how dull it looks in this picture.... the camera wouldn't get the perfect colour... and the inside of the closet is white, not purple!
Bright yellow closet door is in! (it's not quite this bright in person)
Crib and changetable are assembled... we are just trying different setups these next few pictures.
And it's getting there... coming together!!
Standing under the window... looking at the bright closet door!
Dexter leaving... after checking it all out he realized that it really wasn't that interesting... This isn't the set-up we ended up going with...
One of the shadow boxes that I made...
And another....

Here are all 3 of them... obviously two of them weren't framed yet..

AND IT'S FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are some pictures of the progress:
The room is all empty and ready to start painting (But, we forgot to take down the curtains)....
Here are all 3 of them... obviously two of them weren't framed yet..
AND IT'S FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is only missing a mobile for the crib, and I have to hang my diaper stacker... but here are the pictures as I walk into the room...
From the hallway...
And turning (picture says "And they lived happily ever after") Thanks Paula!! (wedding present that turned into nursery hanging)
ABC, 123 Wooden lettters that I painted for the room....
Empty corner for the glider/rocker..... last piece to go in (arriving August 7th)
Change Table/Dresser combo...
Wall hangings/teddy bears (high so Dexter can't eat them) and shelf...
Standing by the change table... looking at bookcase and crib/picture
Note the colourful hangings by the closet door... I bought these in China in 2005... for my future child's nursery... :)
Standing in the empty corner where the rocker will be...

And last, but not least, my bedding on the bed!!
And last, but not least, my bedding on the bed!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
One of the girls on Just Mommies made me a new signature today!
I just had to share because it is soooooooo adorable! :)

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