Everything went well at the doctors. My hCG levels rose to 1749 (the doctor would have been happy with 500-600) so that is excellent news!! Looks like I have a healthy bean in there :D
BJ's dad is here.. I sooooooo want to "spill the beans".. hehe, but I am being strong!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Busy day
Today I am heading to work, and then after work going for my doctors appointment. I will update when I get home. I pray it's good news. Wayne is visiting for the weekend.. (BJ's dad) it's going to be very hard to keep the secret, but we want to tell everyone in person, and we can't tell Wayne without telling Martha.. so we'll just have to keep our mouths shut. hehe..
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
January 29th... 38 more days until the announcement!
My Dr.'s office called to say that my bloodwork is in and that my Doctor wants to see me.I hope everything is ok. When I left the office he said "I will see you the week of Jan 28th when the bloodwork is back".. so hopefully it's just for a routine check up of bloodwork. I asked the receptionist if I could speak with him to make sure nothing was wrong, and she said that she "wouldn't be too concerned" because if something was wrong he'd want to see me right away! So that made me feel better.
I am a little nervous, because I made my first prenatal appointment so I assumed that I wouldn't have to go see my family doctor any more at this point - but I am just hoping that he just wants to review the bloodwork results (and he mentioned something about more testing last time I was talking to him too)I am going to see the doctor at 1:45 on Thursday.. I don't know if I can wait.. I hope my hCG levels rose and that everything is ok with my little bean!
I am a little nervous, because I made my first prenatal appointment so I assumed that I wouldn't have to go see my family doctor any more at this point - but I am just hoping that he just wants to review the bloodwork results (and he mentioned something about more testing last time I was talking to him too)I am going to see the doctor at 1:45 on Thursday.. I don't know if I can wait.. I hope my hCG levels rose and that everything is ok with my little bean!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Well, it was a very exciting day at the O'Brien house!
We got a new TV! lol....
Here is a picture of it!
We have to paint the white thing that is holding the wires.. it will eventually be the same colour as the wall... when I say eventually, I mean eventually! LOL.
Now, if the rest of my house wasn't so much of a mess!!
Anyway, pregnancy-wise, I am feeling much better, getting over my cold. As those of you who know me know, I have lived for most of my adult life on Tea and Pepsi! I haven't had either since I found out I was pregnant... I HATE juice, but i have been drinking it, and it hasn't bothered me too much. I think that is what is helping me get over this cold so fast.. my body isn't used to having so much nutritious fluids in it! LOL... Along with the milk... no wonder I am peeing every freaking 30 minutes!
I feel good all day, but at about 8pm, I crash and then my energy is all gone. I hear that's normal to be very tired and energy-less... even this early along.
I found a rocker for my living room today.. it's 199.00 at Kent.. it matches my furniture PERFECTLY, it was made for our baby! :D I just want a regular wooden one for the nursery, but I plan on rocking the baby, so I would like one for the living room too!
We decided that we will tell my parents when they arrive March 8th (41 more days)... when we see them next, and the following weekend, the 15th, we are going to head to NB to tell BJ's brother and sister in law.. We are very very close to them, so we want to tell them in person. THEN, to make the "secret" even harder, we are going to have to WAIT another week to tell BJ's mom.. because we won't see her until Easter weekend when we go to Cape Breton. I just can't wait to tell everyone.. but I want to be at least 8 weeks, and I reallly really want to do it in person. I can't WAIT to share this new step of our life with our families! I know they are going to be so happy with us and for us.
Anyway, going to go attempt a little more cleaning. It is 7:21 so I still have about a half hour of energy left.
We got a new TV! lol....
Here is a picture of it!
We have to paint the white thing that is holding the wires.. it will eventually be the same colour as the wall... when I say eventually, I mean eventually! LOL.
Now, if the rest of my house wasn't so much of a mess!!
Anyway, pregnancy-wise, I am feeling much better, getting over my cold. As those of you who know me know, I have lived for most of my adult life on Tea and Pepsi! I haven't had either since I found out I was pregnant... I HATE juice, but i have been drinking it, and it hasn't bothered me too much. I think that is what is helping me get over this cold so fast.. my body isn't used to having so much nutritious fluids in it! LOL... Along with the milk... no wonder I am peeing every freaking 30 minutes!
I feel good all day, but at about 8pm, I crash and then my energy is all gone. I hear that's normal to be very tired and energy-less... even this early along.
I found a rocker for my living room today.. it's 199.00 at Kent.. it matches my furniture PERFECTLY, it was made for our baby! :D I just want a regular wooden one for the nursery, but I plan on rocking the baby, so I would like one for the living room too!
We decided that we will tell my parents when they arrive March 8th (41 more days)... when we see them next, and the following weekend, the 15th, we are going to head to NB to tell BJ's brother and sister in law.. We are very very close to them, so we want to tell them in person. THEN, to make the "secret" even harder, we are going to have to WAIT another week to tell BJ's mom.. because we won't see her until Easter weekend when we go to Cape Breton. I just can't wait to tell everyone.. but I want to be at least 8 weeks, and I reallly really want to do it in person. I can't WAIT to share this new step of our life with our families! I know they are going to be so happy with us and for us.
Anyway, going to go attempt a little more cleaning. It is 7:21 so I still have about a half hour of energy left.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Five Weeks Pregnant!!
Well, I am five weeks pregnant today!
I got my BIG bloodwork done today, they took 10 viles of BLOOD!
It is sooooooooooo hard to keep this from my parents and BJ's parents, and all our friends, but I just really want to tell them in person, and of course, I can't tell my friends until our parents/siblings know!!
Anyway, I go for my first prenatal appointment on Monday Feb. 4th. I am SO excited! My bloodwork should be back, so I am just praying that my hCG levels have gone up (but I really think they have)... I am finally letting myself BELIEVE that I'm pregnant.... And now I just want to tell the world.
Anyway, I am feeling better, still sick and tired, but the fever is gone and that's all I care about!
I will update tomorrow, as usual.
I got my BIG bloodwork done today, they took 10 viles of BLOOD!
It is sooooooooooo hard to keep this from my parents and BJ's parents, and all our friends, but I just really want to tell them in person, and of course, I can't tell my friends until our parents/siblings know!!
Anyway, I go for my first prenatal appointment on Monday Feb. 4th. I am SO excited! My bloodwork should be back, so I am just praying that my hCG levels have gone up (but I really think they have)... I am finally letting myself BELIEVE that I'm pregnant.... And now I just want to tell the world.
Anyway, I am feeling better, still sick and tired, but the fever is gone and that's all I care about!
I will update tomorrow, as usual.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Well, it's Thursday and today I'm sick. Which sucks because I can't take anything.
The doctor says to take tylenol if I'm running a fever, but I am nervous about that...
My temp is currently at 99.7, so I am going to get in a cold bath and try to get it down.
Here's hoping I am better tomorrow
The doctor says to take tylenol if I'm running a fever, but I am nervous about that...
My temp is currently at 99.7, so I am going to get in a cold bath and try to get it down.
Here's hoping I am better tomorrow
Well, it's Thursday and today I'm sick. Which sucks because I can't take anything.
The doctor says to take tylenol if I'm running a fever, but I am nervous about that...
My temp is currently at 99.7, so I am going to get in a cold bath and try to get it down.
Here's hoping I am better tomorrow
The doctor says to take tylenol if I'm running a fever, but I am nervous about that...
My temp is currently at 99.7, so I am going to get in a cold bath and try to get it down.
Here's hoping I am better tomorrow
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Today's update
It has been one week since we found out that we are going to be parents!!!
Well, my bloodwork is in two more sleeps!! I am excited to get them over with.
I really can't wait until my first trimester is over, and then I want the pregnancy to SLOOOW down.. because I want to enjoy being pregnant, but I am just so worried during this first trimester. Hopefully Monday I will get my hCG Beta numbers back and I will get good results and I will feel better about it all!
At least they only check Beta levels during trimester one!
Well, my bloodwork is in two more sleeps!! I am excited to get them over with.
I really can't wait until my first trimester is over, and then I want the pregnancy to SLOOOW down.. because I want to enjoy being pregnant, but I am just so worried during this first trimester. Hopefully Monday I will get my hCG Beta numbers back and I will get good results and I will feel better about it all!
At least they only check Beta levels during trimester one!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Update on hCG Levels
OK Update!
Well my hCG levels were 60. My dr. didn't send me for more bloodwork until Next Friday, because he wants there to be 7-10 days between the two tests. He said that number is fine, seeing as I got bw taken so early. I asked him about 5 times if he was concerned with that number, until he finally said "No, it's positive. Relax". Sooooooooo that's good news.
The receptionist, again, was not friendly. And when I asked her when I am suposed to book my pre-natal appointment, she said "After the new bloodwork that the dr. just ordered to confirm the pregnancy". I said "Well, he's confident that it's positive and has no problem with that number" and then she said "Let me ask" ... she asked the other receptionist, and whispered something to her, and came back and told me that I should really have more bw done, and that I should get it done today. I told her that the Dr. wanted a 7-10 day span in between... and she said "Oh, went over and whispered into the other receptionist's ear AGAIN and came back and said "well I guess we will book you in after these results.
It is obvious that they both think that 60 is way too low. However, my dr. doesn't have a problem with that number, so I am just not worryig about them. Considering they aren't doctors, or nurses, I'm sure that's the right thing to do. OH it just made me SO MAD!! I even tried to explain to her that I tested very early.. and then I found myself thinking "WHY am I explaining this to her??" Anyway, the good news is that the doctor was not concerned... that's all I care about! I can certainly deal with a b*****y receptionist if I have a healthy baby in my arms in September.
Well my hCG levels were 60. My dr. didn't send me for more bloodwork until Next Friday, because he wants there to be 7-10 days between the two tests. He said that number is fine, seeing as I got bw taken so early. I asked him about 5 times if he was concerned with that number, until he finally said "No, it's positive. Relax". Sooooooooo that's good news.
The receptionist, again, was not friendly. And when I asked her when I am suposed to book my pre-natal appointment, she said "After the new bloodwork that the dr. just ordered to confirm the pregnancy". I said "Well, he's confident that it's positive and has no problem with that number" and then she said "Let me ask" ... she asked the other receptionist, and whispered something to her, and came back and told me that I should really have more bw done, and that I should get it done today. I told her that the Dr. wanted a 7-10 day span in between... and she said "Oh, went over and whispered into the other receptionist's ear AGAIN and came back and said "well I guess we will book you in after these results.
It is obvious that they both think that 60 is way too low. However, my dr. doesn't have a problem with that number, so I am just not worryig about them. Considering they aren't doctors, or nurses, I'm sure that's the right thing to do. OH it just made me SO MAD!! I even tried to explain to her that I tested very early.. and then I found myself thinking "WHY am I explaining this to her??" Anyway, the good news is that the doctor was not concerned... that's all I care about! I can certainly deal with a b*****y receptionist if I have a healthy baby in my arms in September.
Low Numbers
Well, I called the office today and got the receptionist... She said that my numbers were "low, really low". So that is not a good thing. I am going for some more blood work today, and we are just praying that it is because it was too early (which might very well be the case). Please pray that this is just a scare and that we are not loosing this baby.
I will update after the doctors.
I will update after the doctors.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Well, since I didn't get to see the doctor today, I got worried that maybe I wasn't pregnant. I know, logic should tell me that I am, but still.... Anyway, I took another HPT and the lines were much darker, which is a good sign... especially since it wasn't even taken with FMU. I Thought I would share a picture! :D
Hopefully I will be visiting the doctor tomorrow, so I can come back and update!
Monday, Monday
Well, it's Monday... back to work, back to reality!!
I didn't have any more morning sickness.. Thankfully! heeh.. I was a little worried about going to work this morning.
I am still not sleeping well. I was up at 5am today. I decided to start making fruit smoothies in the morning, because I just don't have the energy or feel well enough to make breakfast, and I have to eat, so I had that today - it worked well. On the weekends, of course, BJ makes me breakfast! hehe.. but during the week - that seems to work. (before I was pg, I didn't eat breakfast, but I need to eat something now).
It is amazing that I am only 4 weeks pregnant, but I am already ALWAYS hungry.. I totally thought it was in my head, but I literally get sick to my stomach if I don't eat.
Unfortunately, today I think I am coming down with something. My throat is really sore, but there is nothing I can take.. I just hope it gets better as the week goes on.
I called the doctors office. The Bloodwork didn't come in today, but they said to try tomorrow morning. I think I might have to go get another pregnancy test just to be sure tonight, I'm SOOOOOOO scared taht the office is going to tell me I'm not pregnant, although my logical side tells me that I am, because otherwise I would know by now. I am counting down the minutes until tomorrow - trust me! lol....
Then, tomorrow, if all goes well, we make an appointment with the baby doctor and she will meet with me for my first 1/2 hour prenatal appointment! I can't wait!!!!!!!!
I ordered cards to tell my family at www.fetalgreetings.com - they are so cute! We are going to give them the cards in person though ... I want to be there when they find out. I hope they are as excited as we are, and I'm sure they will be!
Did I mention on this board what a wonderful husband I have?? I can't believe how much closer we feel to one another after this pregnancy, and how lucky I am to have someone who loves me (and who I love) so very very much! He has just been amazing.
I didn't have any more morning sickness.. Thankfully! heeh.. I was a little worried about going to work this morning.
I am still not sleeping well. I was up at 5am today. I decided to start making fruit smoothies in the morning, because I just don't have the energy or feel well enough to make breakfast, and I have to eat, so I had that today - it worked well. On the weekends, of course, BJ makes me breakfast! hehe.. but during the week - that seems to work. (before I was pg, I didn't eat breakfast, but I need to eat something now).
It is amazing that I am only 4 weeks pregnant, but I am already ALWAYS hungry.. I totally thought it was in my head, but I literally get sick to my stomach if I don't eat.
Unfortunately, today I think I am coming down with something. My throat is really sore, but there is nothing I can take.. I just hope it gets better as the week goes on.
I called the doctors office. The Bloodwork didn't come in today, but they said to try tomorrow morning. I think I might have to go get another pregnancy test just to be sure tonight, I'm SOOOOOOO scared taht the office is going to tell me I'm not pregnant, although my logical side tells me that I am, because otherwise I would know by now. I am counting down the minutes until tomorrow - trust me! lol....
Then, tomorrow, if all goes well, we make an appointment with the baby doctor and she will meet with me for my first 1/2 hour prenatal appointment! I can't wait!!!!!!!!
I ordered cards to tell my family at www.fetalgreetings.com - they are so cute! We are going to give them the cards in person though ... I want to be there when they find out. I hope they are as excited as we are, and I'm sure they will be!
Did I mention on this board what a wonderful husband I have?? I can't believe how much closer we feel to one another after this pregnancy, and how lucky I am to have someone who loves me (and who I love) so very very much! He has just been amazing.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Morning Sickness
Today was my first day of morning sickness!! Believe it or not I was excited! haha... of course, I am SURE that the excitement will not last! hehe...
Dexter barked to go outside last night at about 5am, and I sat up straight to get him, and I just got this terrible "whoosh" feeling of nausea... I asked BJ to take him out instead (which, of course, he didn't mind at all). Then when I got up at 7, I again, had the same feeling, but the longer that I am up, the less the feeling is there..
Hopefully that is a sign that I will be one of those people who have morning sickness very early on, and then it stops! hehe..
Dexter barked to go outside last night at about 5am, and I sat up straight to get him, and I just got this terrible "whoosh" feeling of nausea... I asked BJ to take him out instead (which, of course, he didn't mind at all). Then when I got up at 7, I again, had the same feeling, but the longer that I am up, the less the feeling is there..
Hopefully that is a sign that I will be one of those people who have morning sickness very early on, and then it stops! hehe..
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Last night I slept from 11 - 7:30 am!! YAY!! I think I am starting to worry less now. I am quite the "worrier" on a daily basis, and now, with miscarriage and such, Its really hard not to think about it, but I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing I can do about it, and I am going to leave this all in Gods Hands!
We will be getting our results on Monday. I am a little concerned about my doctor though. Monday I think we will go in to confirm the pregnancy, and then they will give me full bloodwork to see if everything is ok. I already have a list of questions for the doctor! hehe..
I *think* that then I will be transfered to a OB/GYN, or what I refer to as "my baby doctor" - lol. It is the same doctor that my SIL used, and I know that she said she was really good, but at times firm, and straight to the point. So, I am going to go to my first appointment with her, and then see how things are from there. If I am uncomfortable with her, I have a name of another doctor that I am going to do everything I can to get into (I hear she's great!). But I am going to give this girl a chance. We will see! As long as she is patient with me, and understands that this is my first time being pregnant, that I have a lot of questions, and that I only want what is best for my baby, then I'll be ok! hehe.. it'll be nice to stay in the same clinic, as I know the people well there.
I am just praying that these bloodwork tests come back positive and I can move to the next step! Come onnnnnnnnnnnnn week 12!!!
Only 9 weeks to go!
We will be getting our results on Monday. I am a little concerned about my doctor though. Monday I think we will go in to confirm the pregnancy, and then they will give me full bloodwork to see if everything is ok. I already have a list of questions for the doctor! hehe..
I *think* that then I will be transfered to a OB/GYN, or what I refer to as "my baby doctor" - lol. It is the same doctor that my SIL used, and I know that she said she was really good, but at times firm, and straight to the point. So, I am going to go to my first appointment with her, and then see how things are from there. If I am uncomfortable with her, I have a name of another doctor that I am going to do everything I can to get into (I hear she's great!). But I am going to give this girl a chance. We will see! As long as she is patient with me, and understands that this is my first time being pregnant, that I have a lot of questions, and that I only want what is best for my baby, then I'll be ok! hehe.. it'll be nice to stay in the same clinic, as I know the people well there.
I am just praying that these bloodwork tests come back positive and I can move to the next step! Come onnnnnnnnnnnnn week 12!!!
Only 9 weeks to go!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Appointment #1 was a success... (but that's the easy one!)
Everything went fine. It wasn't my regular family doctor, because he has moved, and i REALLY don't like his replacement. He was ok, but just not very personable at all, didn't talk to me about anything really unless I asked questions and his answers were very "quick". He did take my blood pressure, it was perfect.. and then he sent me for bloodwork (which I got afterwards) just to confirm the pregnancy.
The results will be in on Monday.He said that if it comes back positive, then he will send me for full bloodwork.. and then the receptionist said she will transfer me to what she calls "the baby doctor".. hehe.. so even though I don't like him much, at least he won't be following me during my pregnancy.
The results will be in on Monday.He said that if it comes back positive, then he will send me for full bloodwork.. and then the receptionist said she will transfer me to what she calls "the baby doctor".. hehe.. so even though I don't like him much, at least he won't be following me during my pregnancy.
Day #3 after getting my positive!
It is so hard to believe that only 3 days ago I found out I was pregnant!
I feel like those days just crept by!! But in a fantastic way!
Well, last night was another restless night. I DO sleep, but I just dream ONLY about being pregnant or having the baby... then I wake up and I am excited all over again and I can't go back to sleep.
I am a little worried about going to the doctor. Today I just go to my family doctor. Acutally, my family doctor has moved away, so it's not even him, it's another doctor who is filling in for him. The receptionists said that they will confirm my pregnancy today with urine and I will have my first appointment with him. (I guess the office needs to make sure that I am not some crazy lady just saying that I'm pregnant). Then I will be transfered to the "baby doctor" that is in the same office that I have always been going to.
She is the same doctor that Dawn (my SIL) had for her son. She is quite strict on weight gain, which I like. I certainly don't mind gaining weight, in fact, I would LOVE a baby belly right now please! hehe.. but I just don't want to gain unnecessary weight... because I doubt that after this baby is born I will have a chance to work out much to get it off!!
I am meeting with a rep from the union that I work with next week, to see what my rights are as a "term teacher" - as they call it here in NS. I have heard a couple of different stories regarding maternity leave, and honestly, I just want to talk directly to them. I also have a couple of questions about my contract, so I will "kill two birds with one stone" - as they say. I am going to take as much maternity leave as I possibly can... financially. I am not going to tell them that I'm pg. ... just ask about my rights. As much as you don't realize it, Halifax isn't that big of a city, and I really don't want to tell anyone I'm expecting... although I think I have left a few hints with a couple of co-workers already! hehe...
I think my parents have a clue too - they know me too well... and lately I have been talking about babies because it's all I can think about.
BJ and I were shopping last night and we bought little Christmas outfits on clearance.. one boy and one girl.. they were just TOO CUTE to pass up, and they were only 6 dollars each. I just pray that this bean sticks and that we will be able to wear it on our little boy or our little girl.
By the way, I think I'm having a boy... BJ thinks we're having a girl... and we still haven't decided if we want to find out or not. I do know that I want to go to UC baby, where they take the 4D ultrasound.. I REALLY want the teddybear with my baby's heartbeat!!
Ohhhh there are so many things to look forward too... Please God, help this little one to stick.
Well, I guess it's off to work for me again, with little-to-no sleep. I am hoping it was just because I was nervous about the doctor, and that tonight I will sleep a little more sound.
I feel like those days just crept by!! But in a fantastic way!
Well, last night was another restless night. I DO sleep, but I just dream ONLY about being pregnant or having the baby... then I wake up and I am excited all over again and I can't go back to sleep.
I am a little worried about going to the doctor. Today I just go to my family doctor. Acutally, my family doctor has moved away, so it's not even him, it's another doctor who is filling in for him. The receptionists said that they will confirm my pregnancy today with urine and I will have my first appointment with him. (I guess the office needs to make sure that I am not some crazy lady just saying that I'm pregnant). Then I will be transfered to the "baby doctor" that is in the same office that I have always been going to.
She is the same doctor that Dawn (my SIL) had for her son. She is quite strict on weight gain, which I like. I certainly don't mind gaining weight, in fact, I would LOVE a baby belly right now please! hehe.. but I just don't want to gain unnecessary weight... because I doubt that after this baby is born I will have a chance to work out much to get it off!!
I am meeting with a rep from the union that I work with next week, to see what my rights are as a "term teacher" - as they call it here in NS. I have heard a couple of different stories regarding maternity leave, and honestly, I just want to talk directly to them. I also have a couple of questions about my contract, so I will "kill two birds with one stone" - as they say. I am going to take as much maternity leave as I possibly can... financially. I am not going to tell them that I'm pg. ... just ask about my rights. As much as you don't realize it, Halifax isn't that big of a city, and I really don't want to tell anyone I'm expecting... although I think I have left a few hints with a couple of co-workers already! hehe...
I think my parents have a clue too - they know me too well... and lately I have been talking about babies because it's all I can think about.
BJ and I were shopping last night and we bought little Christmas outfits on clearance.. one boy and one girl.. they were just TOO CUTE to pass up, and they were only 6 dollars each. I just pray that this bean sticks and that we will be able to wear it on our little boy or our little girl.
By the way, I think I'm having a boy... BJ thinks we're having a girl... and we still haven't decided if we want to find out or not. I do know that I want to go to UC baby, where they take the 4D ultrasound.. I REALLY want the teddybear with my baby's heartbeat!!
Ohhhh there are so many things to look forward too... Please God, help this little one to stick.
Well, I guess it's off to work for me again, with little-to-no sleep. I am hoping it was just because I was nervous about the doctor, and that tonight I will sleep a little more sound.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
My new "Siggy"

I am just so excited to be making a "We're Pregnant" siggy.. so I thought I would share it!
Incase you are wondering, a "siggy" is a signature that you add to the bottom of your posts on message boards. I feel like I have had a signature that has said "Trying to concieve #1" for EVER... and now I have "expecting #1"
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
HOLY MOLY is all I can say
Well, I tested today!!
I was tossing and turning all night last night, and went to bed at like 10:00 (as usual per this week, I have been going to bed between 9-10:30 and thought nothing of it except for it being a stressful week at work). Anyway, I woke up at 6:30am, 30 minutes before I had to get up, and I just KNEW that I had to test. I was thinking I should wait until tomorrow, to aviod disappointment, but this morning, I had to do it!
I tested, BFP!! Looks like I'm PREGNANT!!
The lines were light, but on FRER tests, they say that ANY second line is a positive.. and I have never gotten another line before. I went out and bought a clear blue digital test, that plainly says "pregnant" or "not pregnant". I am going to test in the AM (first morning urine works best this early) and then if the line is darker, I will use the digital. If it's not I will wait until Fri. to use the digi.
We are SO excited. I was standing in the bathroom, and watching the second line appear, bawling!! and I yelled to BJ "BJ.. come here and PLEASE tell me that my eyes still aren't half asleep and there is really a second line here". He hugged me, we cried, and then got ready for work. I managed to get some pictures though. I will see if I know how to post them...
If it's true.. I am 3 weeks and 3 days pregnant!!
I added some arrows to help see the second line. Lets see if this works:
I was tossing and turning all night last night, and went to bed at like 10:00 (as usual per this week, I have been going to bed between 9-10:30 and thought nothing of it except for it being a stressful week at work). Anyway, I woke up at 6:30am, 30 minutes before I had to get up, and I just KNEW that I had to test. I was thinking I should wait until tomorrow, to aviod disappointment, but this morning, I had to do it!
I tested, BFP!! Looks like I'm PREGNANT!!
The lines were light, but on FRER tests, they say that ANY second line is a positive.. and I have never gotten another line before. I went out and bought a clear blue digital test, that plainly says "pregnant" or "not pregnant". I am going to test in the AM (first morning urine works best this early) and then if the line is darker, I will use the digital. If it's not I will wait until Fri. to use the digi.
We are SO excited. I was standing in the bathroom, and watching the second line appear, bawling!! and I yelled to BJ "BJ.. come here and PLEASE tell me that my eyes still aren't half asleep and there is really a second line here". He hugged me, we cried, and then got ready for work. I managed to get some pictures though. I will see if I know how to post them...
If it's true.. I am 3 weeks and 3 days pregnant!!
I added some arrows to help see the second line. Lets see if this works:
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
To Our Child
I heard that when TTC, it is a good idea to write down your feelings, share them with others, and just be open about how you are feeling about the process. I don't want to be sad. I want to be happy that we have begun this journey and that in due time, we WILL have a baby. I was inspired by one of my JM friends to write a letter to my baby. I wrote it in my journal, but I thought it would be useful for me to add it to my blog, so I can revisit it when I feel like I need to.
Dear Baby,
Well, we are thinking that we will be waiting yet another month to hold you in our arms. I just want you to know how much you are loved, how much we look forward to your arrival, and that we pray each and every minute of every day that "this month is it" and that you will start to grow in Mommy's belly.
We are holding on to the little bit of hope that we still have this month. We are praying for a positive pregnancy result and that you will be with us in September. We know that you will come to us, in God's time. You will be the greatest joy in our life. You already are.
Mommy and Daddy's friends and family are all beginning to have babies. It makes it very hard to wait for your arrival, but we are trying very hard to be patient and to think positively.
We think about you every day, we love you more than anything in the entire world, and we can't wait until you are part of our lives here on earth. We want you to meet your beautiful cousins, grandparents who will spoil you rotten, all of your wonderful Aunties and Uncles, whether by blood or by heart. You are such a loved little baby. We hope to see you soon. Can't wait to meet you.
All our love,
Mommy and Daddy
Dear Baby,
Well, we are thinking that we will be waiting yet another month to hold you in our arms. I just want you to know how much you are loved, how much we look forward to your arrival, and that we pray each and every minute of every day that "this month is it" and that you will start to grow in Mommy's belly.
We are holding on to the little bit of hope that we still have this month. We are praying for a positive pregnancy result and that you will be with us in September. We know that you will come to us, in God's time. You will be the greatest joy in our life. You already are.
Mommy and Daddy's friends and family are all beginning to have babies. It makes it very hard to wait for your arrival, but we are trying very hard to be patient and to think positively.
We think about you every day, we love you more than anything in the entire world, and we can't wait until you are part of our lives here on earth. We want you to meet your beautiful cousins, grandparents who will spoil you rotten, all of your wonderful Aunties and Uncles, whether by blood or by heart. You are such a loved little baby. We hope to see you soon. Can't wait to meet you.
All our love,
Mommy and Daddy
I think it's on to cycle #7
I tested this morning again, I caved. I was going to try to wait until 12 DPO, but I am a POAS (peeing on a stick) addict! hehe.. Anyway, BFN.
My body is starting to tell me that AF (aunt flo) is on her way. So, if she's coming, I hope she comes quickly so that we can begin next cycle.
However, it's not over until the witch shows, so hopefully I'm wrong.
My body is starting to tell me that AF (aunt flo) is on her way. So, if she's coming, I hope she comes quickly so that we can begin next cycle.
However, it's not over until the witch shows, so hopefully I'm wrong.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Welcome to our Blog!
Welcome to our blog! Thank you for joining us and checking in on our TTC journey.
My name is Lori (26) and my husband is BJ (27). We have been TTC since August 2006. That makes this cycle #6 of actively trying. We were "not preventing" for a while before that, but in order for me to keep sane, I am trying to stick with calling this cycle #6.
BJ is a Supply Technician in the Canadian Armed Forces, and I am a grade 4 teacher. We both still make each other laugh, daily, and our lives would not be complete without each other. This August, we will have been together for 10 years! I was lucky enough to marry my high school sweetheart.
During our journey, we have learned a lot about my cycles. I have always had 28(ish) day cycles, so naturally, I assumed that I Ovulated on day 14, and if we did lots of "baby dancing" at that time, I would get pregnant! Boom! That easy! Well, I learned that that is not the case.
I have been charting on fertility friend, and trying to figure out when I ovulate, and how long my LP was, but I haven't started this until November, and I am still in the learning stages, so I have yet to figure all this out. I began taking my temperatures, using "OPK" tests and doing everything that we possibly could to get that BFP (big fat positive). We want this baby so badly.
BJ and I were married in August 2006. We planned to wait a few years to have children, until I was permanent and I could take the whole year maternity leave. However, I got to the point where I would rather have a baby then a year off work! We have decided that I will be (hopefully) having the baby, taking 4 months off work and BJ will be spending the rest of the year at home, as a stay at home Daddy. That way he won't be deployed, and we will have lots of family time.
November was a tough month for me, I felt as though I really didn't know what I was doing, when/how to get pregnant, and then I came across this form that literally saved my sanity. I have met an amazing group of women on JM - a message board that is made of up women who are all trying to concieve their first child. They have taught me SO much about everything that is going on with my body, they have been a shoulder to cry on, a place to go for advise, and just fantastic friends during this journey! I have been keeping TTC a secret from everybody (except my best friend) beause I just hate the question every month "Did you test??" "Are you pregnant??" I find it hard enough that I am letting BJ and myself down, I really don't want the added pressure!
I am SO EXCITED for the day that I CAN tell people that I am pregnant. I am 9 DPO (days past ovulation) today, which is the earliest day that you can test. Of course, since I am addicted to peeing on a stick, I tested, but I got a negative. I am praying that it is because it's too early, and I will get my positive result later in the week!
If not, I guess we're on to cycle #7
Well, I think that is enough for now! I will be back regularly with updates!
Thanks for stopping by,
Lori and BJ
My name is Lori (26) and my husband is BJ (27). We have been TTC since August 2006. That makes this cycle #6 of actively trying. We were "not preventing" for a while before that, but in order for me to keep sane, I am trying to stick with calling this cycle #6.
BJ is a Supply Technician in the Canadian Armed Forces, and I am a grade 4 teacher. We both still make each other laugh, daily, and our lives would not be complete without each other. This August, we will have been together for 10 years! I was lucky enough to marry my high school sweetheart.
During our journey, we have learned a lot about my cycles. I have always had 28(ish) day cycles, so naturally, I assumed that I Ovulated on day 14, and if we did lots of "baby dancing" at that time, I would get pregnant! Boom! That easy! Well, I learned that that is not the case.
I have been charting on fertility friend, and trying to figure out when I ovulate, and how long my LP was, but I haven't started this until November, and I am still in the learning stages, so I have yet to figure all this out. I began taking my temperatures, using "OPK" tests and doing everything that we possibly could to get that BFP (big fat positive). We want this baby so badly.
BJ and I were married in August 2006. We planned to wait a few years to have children, until I was permanent and I could take the whole year maternity leave. However, I got to the point where I would rather have a baby then a year off work! We have decided that I will be (hopefully) having the baby, taking 4 months off work and BJ will be spending the rest of the year at home, as a stay at home Daddy. That way he won't be deployed, and we will have lots of family time.
November was a tough month for me, I felt as though I really didn't know what I was doing, when/how to get pregnant, and then I came across this form that literally saved my sanity. I have met an amazing group of women on JM - a message board that is made of up women who are all trying to concieve their first child. They have taught me SO much about everything that is going on with my body, they have been a shoulder to cry on, a place to go for advise, and just fantastic friends during this journey! I have been keeping TTC a secret from everybody (except my best friend) beause I just hate the question every month "Did you test??" "Are you pregnant??" I find it hard enough that I am letting BJ and myself down, I really don't want the added pressure!
I am SO EXCITED for the day that I CAN tell people that I am pregnant. I am 9 DPO (days past ovulation) today, which is the earliest day that you can test. Of course, since I am addicted to peeing on a stick, I tested, but I got a negative. I am praying that it is because it's too early, and I will get my positive result later in the week!
If not, I guess we're on to cycle #7
Well, I think that is enough for now! I will be back regularly with updates!
Thanks for stopping by,
Lori and BJ
TTC Poem
I Love this Poem, so I thought I would share...
A Wish For A New Baby
I wished upon a star...
I closed my eyes and prayed,
I threw a shiny penny,
into a well each day.
I closed my eyes and prayed,
I threw a shiny penny,
into a well each day.
The same little wish was wished,
upon my birthday cake
I asked the Lord... Please hurry,
just for heaven's sake!
I was trying to be patient,
but I had waited long enough
my wishing well with pennies,
was now completely stuffed!
I would start and end my days
repeating the same prayer,
I knew that up in heaven,
they could see I really cared.
Just when I thought I couldn't,
bear another day
it is then that I learned,
you were on your way.
All the prayers and wishes,
finally did come true
The blessing God gave me,
was my pregnancy with you!
Christine Michaels
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