Well.. I almost made it to what is considered "full term". One more week to go.
I am at 36 weeks - and still going strong!! I am starting to feel a little more tired, some minor pressure and really fat! haha... But hopefully I haven't gained much. I have really been watching what I am eating since my doctors appointment - trying to keep my weight gain down... I went out to eat once with Jenestia and Chris - and I treated myself to a sandwich... and BJ and I went out for our anniversary dinner and I treated myself to chicken and mashed potatoes.. but otherwise my choices have been very "wise"... I am trying really hard to stay on track.. so as least if this appointment I have gained a substantial amount of weight - I will know that there is nothing else that I can do about it from this end.
Anyway, at the end of the day - I gain however much weight I gain - all I care about is a healthy baby in the end... I can always take weight off... but it is hard not to worry about it when my doctor is so strict about it... in the long run though, I think that's a good thing.
So, Mom and Dad are up visiting... Mom gave my bathtub a good cleaning - it really needed it as I can't bend over to clean it like I used to be able too.. and BJ has been cleaning it, thank goodness, but still - It needed a really good scrubbing... I am really looking forward to spending this weekend with them - it'll be the last time that we spend time together with "just us". However, I am sure that it will only get better when this little one arrives.
I have my doctors appointment on Tuesday, and my first day of school... I am going to try to work until the 26th - my due date... so I will see how that goes. If I start to progress sooner, of course I will stop - but I expect to go overdue. I will try to update Tuesday with everything that went on, but if I am too tired I might wait until Wednesday.
OH - nursery is completely finshed with rocking chair and all - I will try to remember to take a picture before tuesday.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
35 Weeks
Well, today I am 35 weeks pregnant! That means only 5 more weeks to go! 2 more weeks until this baby is considered "full term". I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. I know I have said that a million times, but it is really true!
The baby is now about 5 pounds! That is a real baby!! I hope it doesn't get too much bigger though! LOL.. I still have to deliver this child at some point.
I am still pretty calm about the whole labour process - I assume it hasn't hit me yet! haha.. I hope it doesn't until its too late.. and I am in the middle of it.
I have the baby's bag all packed, and the hospital bag all ready to go. We have a "to do" list for the house that we are slowly getting gone before Baby O'Brien arrives, and we have a "to buy for baby" list that is getting there... of course, after the generosity of my shower, there isn't too much on the list.. but still a couple of little things.
We are pretty set on our baby names now. But we are going to wait until he/she is born to decide 100%. Only 5 weeks to wait now! :)
The baby is now about 5 pounds! That is a real baby!! I hope it doesn't get too much bigger though! LOL.. I still have to deliver this child at some point.
I am still pretty calm about the whole labour process - I assume it hasn't hit me yet! haha.. I hope it doesn't until its too late.. and I am in the middle of it.
I have the baby's bag all packed, and the hospital bag all ready to go. We have a "to do" list for the house that we are slowly getting gone before Baby O'Brien arrives, and we have a "to buy for baby" list that is getting there... of course, after the generosity of my shower, there isn't too much on the list.. but still a couple of little things.
We are pretty set on our baby names now. But we are going to wait until he/she is born to decide 100%. Only 5 weeks to wait now! :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Our Puppy..
I had to share these pictures of Dexter..
We had left to run some errands in the day - and Dexter was quite happy to see us...
BJ was just relaxing before he was going to get ready to go out for dinner for our anniversary.... So Dexter joined him...
This is what happened when I said "Ok BJ, lets go get ready"
And they say Dogs don't understand what we are saying....
I just had to share- that was too cute!
Our Anniversary!
Well, yesterday was our second Wedding Anniversary! It is hard to believe that two years have gone by already! A lot has changed, but of course, all for the better! Next year we will be celebrating our anniversary, and almost have a 1 year old - now THAT is crazy!
We had went out the weekend prior and bought a new computer (laptop)- so that was our "gift" to each other... but we still took time to go to dinner and a movie. We had a nice, relaxing night (which doesn't come often around here lately).
So, everything went pretty well at my doctors appointment. The baby is growing well, and the heartbeat was 132 - a little lower than it usually is, but it is certainly still in the healthy range... no reason for concern at all. I DID gain almost 5 pounds in two weeks (oopsie!). I had to admit to the doctor that I have been lately going "off course" - I was so conscience of what I was eating before, and I sort of lost that lately... since this is the only time that my weight has jumped at any appointment, she let me off with it! LOL.. but we are aiming for 2 pounds or under for next appointment - I don't want to be losing too much after the baby is born. That brings my total weight gain to almost 30 pounds!!! Which is a lot, in my opinion... My doctor said ideally I would be between 25-35... so yeah, 5 more pounds doesn't give me much room to move! LOL.. it's probably going to be over that... but as long as baby is healthy... and like I said, I will be doing what I can from now on to keep the weight gain down.
I go for one more two week appointment - Sept 2nd - they check for Group B Strep. (A test everyone has). If I test positive for that, it just means that i need antibiotics after my water breaks... If I test negative - then no antibiotics! It was so sad making my two week appointment, because I have WORK on that day.... so I had to make it for the evening... :( Summer Vacation is almost over.
Anyway, after Sept 2nd, I start going weekly! I can't believe it's so close.. so that means 5-6 more doctors appointments and Baby O'Brien will be HERE!!
I have a new belly picture - I wil update on the side.
We had went out the weekend prior and bought a new computer (laptop)- so that was our "gift" to each other... but we still took time to go to dinner and a movie. We had a nice, relaxing night (which doesn't come often around here lately).
So, everything went pretty well at my doctors appointment. The baby is growing well, and the heartbeat was 132 - a little lower than it usually is, but it is certainly still in the healthy range... no reason for concern at all. I DID gain almost 5 pounds in two weeks (oopsie!). I had to admit to the doctor that I have been lately going "off course" - I was so conscience of what I was eating before, and I sort of lost that lately... since this is the only time that my weight has jumped at any appointment, she let me off with it! LOL.. but we are aiming for 2 pounds or under for next appointment - I don't want to be losing too much after the baby is born. That brings my total weight gain to almost 30 pounds!!! Which is a lot, in my opinion... My doctor said ideally I would be between 25-35... so yeah, 5 more pounds doesn't give me much room to move! LOL.. it's probably going to be over that... but as long as baby is healthy... and like I said, I will be doing what I can from now on to keep the weight gain down.
I go for one more two week appointment - Sept 2nd - they check for Group B Strep. (A test everyone has). If I test positive for that, it just means that i need antibiotics after my water breaks... If I test negative - then no antibiotics! It was so sad making my two week appointment, because I have WORK on that day.... so I had to make it for the evening... :( Summer Vacation is almost over.
Anyway, after Sept 2nd, I start going weekly! I can't believe it's so close.. so that means 5-6 more doctors appointments and Baby O'Brien will be HERE!!
I have a new belly picture - I wil update on the side.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Well, not too much has been happening, but I thought that I should probably do a quick update since time is getting closer, and it has been a while since I posted anything.
Went to my last doctors appointnment, and everything is going well. Baby is into position (head down) but not engaged yet, meaning he/she hasn't dropped. (Thank Goodness.. once the baby drops you are very uncomfortable, and I don't want to be that uncomfortable for a whole month!). She is very pleased with my progress... I gained 1/2 a pound in two weeks.. so I hope that weight gain stays consistent.. that brings me to with 20 and a half pounds, or 25 and a half pounds.. we aren't sure about my pre-pregnancy weight.. she has a 5 pound difference on both of her papers.. so anyway, between 20-25 pounds... If I made it under 30 I would be SO excited, but with 6.5 weeks left to go, I doubt it.
BJ and I have almost entirely finished the nursery.. we added some finishing touches since last time, and will post a "completed" photo once the last item arrives.. can't wait to put baby in there! :)
We are trying to make the absolute best of these next 6.5 weeks together... after the baby comes, there will be no more - going to the movies on a whim, or getting groceries at 11pm - for a while anyway.... But we know that life will be even better.
This weekend is Bradley and Melissa's wedding... can't wait to go! I will be doing the wedding cake (at 8 months pregnant - so it'll be interesting!! LOL)...on Friday night, we will go to the wedding on Saturday and on Sunday we are painting our bedroom.. so it's going to be a busy weekend.. but we are trying to get these things done now.. as opposed to later.
My next doctors appointment is the 19th - our anniversary! :)
I will update after that.
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