Our Little Boy is HERE!!!!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Almost 6 weeks PP

Well, tomorrow, Matthew will be 6 weeks old!
I can't believe how fast time has flown.... He is such a perfect baby and we really are enjoying every single second with him!

I had my check up today- I am all healed and ready to go! I lost all of my pregnancy weight and I am now allowed to "act as if I did before I was pregnant".. well, with the exception of my diet and no drinking - due to the nursing.. or, Pumping.

Matthew is growing like a weed. I will post some pictures soon. He made it through our first trip to Cape Breton to visit his grandparents and great-grandparents... he was excellent in the car, and we really enjoyed being home with him... we also got a couple of professional pictures taken... We are going to get some more when he is smiling on demand... but I will post them when I have them.

OH.. and most importantly - MATTHEW SMILED TODAY! I real, full, happy smile! It was just so perfect, I wish I could take that moment that he smiled at me and relive it over and over!!

Anyway, he is sleeping, and is continuing to get up once during the night - and since BJ is back to work - I am on baby duty at night (for the most part)... so off to bed I go.
