Well, I win the award for "the worst updater - EVER"
Matthew is now 5 months old!! He is growing like a weed! It's amazing how fast time has flown.
I am now back to work - it was much harder than I anticipated, but BJ is amazing with Matthew and is doing a great job as a Stay at Home Daddy!! Matthew is a lucky little boy to have such a fantastic role model as a father!
He is so much fun now! We just love him to pieces... He is laughing, playing, grabbing things, rolling (although more often than not it's when we're not looking) and jumping up a storm in his jolly jumper!
He has had his first Christmas, and he sat in his bumbo chair surrounded by all his presents. We went overboard, even though we swore we wouldn't! It was just so much fun to have a little baby at Xmas! Next year will be even better, I'm sure!
We have spent a lot of time in CApe Breton. I miss my parents terribly since Matthew was born. It would be so nicce to have them around... There is seriously nothing better than seeing my parents with my son. It just totally gives me "warm fuzzies" everytime I see it! Our parents, of course, are loving him right back! He is one spoiled little boy!
Matthew's new love is Dexter. He is SO GOOD With the baby... He just loves Matthew right back, and poor Dexter is being poked and pulled and he just licks him.... We are very lucky!
Anyway, here is a progress photo.... I will be better about updating this site with more up to date pictures and information!