Our Little Boy is HERE!!!!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, April 27, 2008

18 weeks... and counting!

I can't believe that I am 18 weeks pregnant already! Seems like time is flying. I am still feeling great, and getting more and more energy back every day. I go to the doctors again tomorrow, so I will get to hear the heartbeat again!! Can't wait! :D

My doctor booked my ultrasound for May 13th. So I am counting down the days until we get to see this little one. After that we will book our UC Baby ultrasound.... the 4D ultrasound that most people go to to find out the sex... we are keeping the gender a secret.. but I am still excited to see my baby on the 4D screen!!

BJ and I have slowly been cleaning the place and doing some minor preparations for the baby. We are hopefully planning a trip to the US for some shopping.... then I'm sure I will have more stuff bought for him/her! That will be the long weekend in May.. which is fast approaching!

Christine and Mike are past due to meet their little one Ceili. I am patiently awaiting for my phone to ring with the news of her safe and healthy arrival! It is so exciting when friends have babies around the same time....

Anyway, that's all for now.. I will update with the 18 week info on the right...


Saturday, April 19, 2008

And the training begins...

First, we got a new chair.. to train me to stay out of the sun? haha.. or maybe just because I wanted it! hehe... The weather was nice, so we figured it was time to get it put together and outside on the deck (but I practiced in the living room first!! )

Well, we are beginning to train Dexter for when the baby arrives.. so we are setting his "limitations" very slowly, so that he doens't get jealous. We started with a baby gate, denying him access to upstairs:

It's great because if you look really hard you can see the petal that you step on.. when you step on that the gate opens.

Then -

We bought and put together the bassinette so that Dexter has a lot of time to get used to him not being allowed to go near it.... we got one that is really tall so that he can't reach (as you can see in the photo). It also has a light, vibrates, has songs, and it can be used as a change table. We really didn't NEED all these features, but we did need one that was tall... so this was the best "bang for our buck"

Monday, April 14, 2008

HUGE *sigh* of relief

Well, I told my principal today, and it just reinforced how lucky I am to have such a great and supportive staff around me! He said nothing but congratulations, and "how long do you want to take off?" - What a RELIEF...

Now, officially the whole world can know, and I also don't have to "hide" my growing belly at work anymore! :D


Sunday, April 13, 2008

4 months down... 5 months to go!

Well, I am officially 4 months pregnant! :D I can't believe that time is flying so fast.
in 4 more weeks I will be halfway through my pregnancy, which is absolutely amazing to me!

We travelled home to CB this weekend for BJ's cousins Jack and Jill - it is always nice to see everyone again. We had lots of fun!

Christine and Mike are soon going to be welcoming their bundle of joy into the world - I can't wait to meet Ceili!

Terra is in her second trimester! :D WOO HOO!! I still can't believe our babies are going to be born around the same time! The only downside to that, since she will be having a c-section early, and, of course, I have a chance of going late (if genetics has anything to do with that - mom was late for us all)...We could be having our babies around the same time - but I will be home to CB as soon as I can to meet her little one! :D And yes, it's just one, because she had her ultrasound.

One of the girls online shared this with us "soon-to-be Mommies" - and I loved it. Thought I would post it on here! :D

"To be a mom...
We are sitting at lunch one day when my daughter casually mentions that she and her husband are thinking of “starting a family." “Do you think I should have a baby?" She asks.

"It will change your life," I say, carefully keeping my tone neutral. "I know," she says, "no more sleeping in on weekends, no more spontaneous vacations." But that is not what I meant at all. I look at my daughter, trying to decide what to tell her. I want her to know what she will never learn in childbirth classes. I want to tell her that the physical wounds of child bearing will heal, but becoming a mother will leave her with an emotional wound so raw that she will forever be vulnerable.

I consider warning her that she will never again read a newspaper without asking, "What if that had been MY child?" That every plane crash, every house fire will haunt her. That when she sees pictures of starving children, she will wonder if anything could be worse than watching your child die. I look at her carefully manicured nails and stylish suit and think that no matter how sophisticated she is, becoming a mother will reduce her to the primitive level of a bear protecting her cub.

That an urgent call of "Mom!" will cause her to drop her best crystal without a moment’s hesitation. I feel that I should warn her that no matter how many years she has invested in her career, she will be professionally derailed by motherhood. She might arrange for childcare, but one day she will be going into an important business meeting and she will think of her baby's sweet smell. She will have to use every ounce of discipline to keep from running home, just to make sure her baby is all right.

I want my daughter to know that every day decisions will no longer be routine. That a five year old boy's desire to go to the men's room rather than the women's at McDonald's will become a major dilemma. That right there, in the midst of clattering trays and screaming children, issues of independence and gender identity will be weighed against the prospect that a child molester may be lurking in that restroom.

However decisive she may be at the office, she will second-guess herself constantly as a mother.

Looking at my attractive daughter, I want to assure her that eventually she will shed the pounds of pregnancy, but she will never feel the same about herself. That her life, now so important, will be of less value to her once she has a child. That she would give up her own life in a moment to save her offspring, but will also begin to hope for more years, not to accomplish her own dreams, but to watch her child accomplish theirs.

I want her to know that a caesarean scar or shiny stretch marks will become badges of honor. I wish my daughter could sense the bond she will feel with women throughout history who have tried to stop war, prejudice and drunk driving. I hope she will understand why I can think rationally about most issues, but become temporarily insane when I discuss the threat of nuclear war to my children's future.

I want to describe to my daughter the exhilaration of seeing your child learn to ride a bike. I want to capture for her the belly laugh of a baby who is touching the soft fur of a dog or cat for the first time. I want her to taste the joy that is so real it actually hurts.

My daughter’s quizzical look makes me realize that tears have formed in my eyes.

"You'll never regret it," I finally say. Then I reached across the table, squeezed my daughter's hand and offered a silent prayer for her, and for me, and for all the mere mortal women who stumble their way into this most wonderful of callings"

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Maternity Leave

Well, I went to my (VERY CONFUSING) Maternity Seminar.... and the good news, AND the bad news, is that we are able to follow our original plan.

Great news for BJ... He is excited about taking some parental leave and being at home with the baby - and I am excited for him to have that experience as well... sorta! haha...
I will be starting the school year in September.. working until I can, and then taking 17 weeks off from there. Then I don't loose anything, I should still get job fair status in September.. so that's good. So I will be off until the end of January/Beginning of February and BJ will take over from there... and he will take until July or August off (it might be kinda nice for us to both be home with the baby in July.. we'll see). The great news is that both of us get "top up" - so that means we won't loose any pay, and the baby will get to be home with his/her "Mommy" or "Daddy" for the first year of his/her life.

The NSTU is sooooooooo confusing... and I CAN potentially take the entire year, but I risk loosing all that I have accumulated... OR I can go back the end of April, and keep my status, but loose just the one year I'm on mat. leave. I don't see the point of loosing the year for 2.5 months... not when BJ can be home... that also means that BJ won't be sailing or going ANYWHERE for the first bit of the babies life! :D

I figure, the next child we have, I will be permanent and taking the entire year without a doubt.. so this is BJ's only chance to take any parental leave... it financially makes sense, and is the best decision for my career... so that's what we are going to do.

Now, all I need is for the rest of the schoolyear to fast forward so that September is closer! hehe..

Monday, April 7, 2008


Well, I finally got my first ultrasound booked (they only do one here in Halifax unless they anticipate a problem or you are high risk). I am going to SEE my baby in 1 month and 5 days!!
May 13th is my big date! I can't wait! :)

I am also attending my maternity leave seminar this evening - I will update on how that goes.. wish me luck that things work according to "my plan"! hehe..

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Please Help Us! :)

Hello Everyone...
As most of you know, we are having a hard time deciding on boys names...
We have put a list up on babynames.com
I'm going to give you the link and I would like you to vote.

There are a couple names that I really like on there, and a couple of names that BJ really likes, as well as some names that we both think are "Ok". Some we COMPLETELY disagree on, but I thought that it would be nice to just share a big list so we could see what others think.

Here is the Link:

Just vote yes, or no to each name!!

Oh, and YAY for 15 weeks.. and still feeling great! I will update my progress on the right.


Please Help Us! :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I'm in LOVE.....

Well... we went to the doctors today.. and our baby had the most beautiful heartbeat in the world!! It took her about 2 minutes to find it (which was the LONGEST two minutes of my life). She got my heartbeat confused with the babies for a second - because my heart was racing so fast that it was catching up to his/hers! haha... but we found it, and it was beating at 156 bpm! She said that was high, but normal, but as far as I have read/researched, It doesn't seem to be high to me. Regardless - it's healthy and it's THERE! :)

The doctor said that everything is going exactly as she wants it too! :)
We are just soooo relieved that everything is great. Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers! :) They really mean a lot to us.

She also booked my ultrasound - so I should be expecting a phone call from the hospital by the end of the month! VERY EXCITING STUFF today!!

Almost time

Well, after a long day yesterday, and an even longer night last night, we are leaving in a half hour to head to the doctors to hear the babys heartbeat. My appointment is at 1:30.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that everything is fine and that the baby is in a good position to hear him/her. I will update when I get home.