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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Welcome to our Blog!

Welcome to our blog! Thank you for joining us and checking in on our TTC journey.

My name is Lori (26) and my husband is BJ (27). We have been TTC since August 2006. That makes this cycle #6 of actively trying. We were "not preventing" for a while before that, but in order for me to keep sane, I am trying to stick with calling this cycle #6.
BJ is a Supply Technician in the Canadian Armed Forces, and I am a grade 4 teacher. We both still make each other laugh, daily, and our lives would not be complete without each other. This August, we will have been together for 10 years! I was lucky enough to marry my high school sweetheart.

During our journey, we have learned a lot about my cycles. I have always had 28(ish) day cycles, so naturally, I assumed that I Ovulated on day 14, and if we did lots of "baby dancing" at that time, I would get pregnant! Boom! That easy! Well, I learned that that is not the case.

I have been charting on fertility friend, and trying to figure out when I ovulate, and how long my LP was, but I haven't started this until November, and I am still in the learning stages, so I have yet to figure all this out. I began taking my temperatures, using "OPK" tests and doing everything that we possibly could to get that BFP (big fat positive). We want this baby so badly.

BJ and I were married in August 2006. We planned to wait a few years to have children, until I was permanent and I could take the whole year maternity leave. However, I got to the point where I would rather have a baby then a year off work! We have decided that I will be (hopefully) having the baby, taking 4 months off work and BJ will be spending the rest of the year at home, as a stay at home Daddy. That way he won't be deployed, and we will have lots of family time.

November was a tough month for me, I felt as though I really didn't know what I was doing, when/how to get pregnant, and then I came across this form that literally saved my sanity. I have met an amazing group of women on JM - a message board that is made of up women who are all trying to concieve their first child. They have taught me SO much about everything that is going on with my body, they have been a shoulder to cry on, a place to go for advise, and just fantastic friends during this journey! I have been keeping TTC a secret from everybody (except my best friend) beause I just hate the question every month "Did you test??" "Are you pregnant??" I find it hard enough that I am letting BJ and myself down, I really don't want the added pressure!

I am SO EXCITED for the day that I CAN tell people that I am pregnant. I am 9 DPO (days past ovulation) today, which is the earliest day that you can test. Of course, since I am addicted to peeing on a stick, I tested, but I got a negative. I am praying that it is because it's too early, and I will get my positive result later in the week!

If not, I guess we're on to cycle #7

Well, I think that is enough for now! I will be back regularly with updates!
Thanks for stopping by,

Lori and BJ

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